Wednesday 2 May 2018

part1 Vito(Shuren)Wang

Today, the American dream is regarded as a yearning to transform people's spiritual pursuit into material consumption. People always pursuit a rich life to show  how they did in the society because everyone wants to live a better life than others. More money they have, more things they can buy as they like. If people can afford things as much as they want, it shows that this person is being respected by others for he has achieved a great social status by showing his rich.
According to the Huffpost blog “Is the American Dream Becoming Too Materialistic?”,Shanzeh Khurram said that “Unfortunately, the American dream is becoming more and more materialistic. I guess it was always a bit materialistic, but when I look at America today, I see a nation obsessed with shopping and buying unnecessary products. Previously, people aspired to have a nice house in the suburbs with a couple of cars. Now, there is no end to the products that people want: the latest IPhone, expensive cars, designer bags—the list is endless. The American dream revolves around luxury goods for most people.”

Having a money rain is the person’s American Dream.
Maybe Gucci can release a new pair of shoes every week and many people will buy the new style week after week. Obviously, it is not necessary to buy shoes so often, but there still may people compete to buy. They want to show that they are fashion and rich by this way.

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