Wednesday 2 May 2018

Part 1 Grace(Yaoqing) Zhang

“the american dream”的图片搜索结果
Different kinds of people are all looking at their own American dream (video)

According to “The Declaration of Independence", the American dream is that everyone has the right to enjoy life and to gain freedom and happiness. In another word, the American dream is not only a dream of wealth but also the equal opportunity to see the best version of people themselves and gain success through hard work. It means that everyone is equal when they are trying to achieve their American dreams.
However, in my opinion, the American dream cannot be equally available to everyone because each person is unique and the degree of difficulty in achieving his or her own American dream is entirely different. There is no doubt that everyone's family members are different. Their father and mother's jobs, personalities, education, and the society they live in will all affect their view of life and values. Besides, the salary they have, the ability they own and what kind of people their friends are will also have impacts too.
For example, as a student, what I concern about is the offer from my dream school. Actually, all the students in grade 12 worry about the offer from their dream school. As every person is unique, their learning skills are different and what their strengths are different too. Nevertheless, many of the students want to go to the University of Toronto, especially Rotman, to study business. It is their "American dream." Exactly, the opportunity that the university provides seems to be equal to everyone. However, can these students get the same grade when they are entirely different from each other? They do not have the same ability to think, and they do not have the same language competence.
They need to use varying degrees of effort to enter that university.
Besides, the video which illustrates how economic inequality harms people can also show that the American dream cannot be achieved equally as everyone lives in the different social environment, and has a different level of chance to realize his or her life goal. Those data show the difference between the poor and rich, which means the difference precisely exists, and it is challenging to make everyone equal in the real world. Thus I think the American dream is a kind of illusion and it cannot be equally available to everyone as every person is unique.

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