Thursday 3 May 2018

Part 1 Dabria (Li) How American dream is represented nowadays?

Base on Declaration of Independence, American Dream is stated "Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness." Basically, American dream makes people believe that as long as you work hard, you can accomplish your dreams and gain the happiness life. Also people are firmly convinced that through making efforts continually which can seize the opportunities and to be successful. However, in my opinion, American Dream is too idealistic for people to reach it. Because this dream makes people's desire of wealth, freedom and happiness stronger. Admittedly, everyone still has a chance to make their dream come true, whereas it dose not mean every one has equal opportunities to be successful.

In the video, Park Avenue: Money, power and American Dream, American Dream is suggested that it is only applies to the those people who have money and power. Many evidences in the video reveals that upper classes use their wealth and social status to twist policies and buy politicians to get the extra money. Base on their own perspective, they deserve obtain these huge amount of money although it is illegal. Their action reveal that the abuse of power and money cause the inequitable opportunity of reach the goal. Ironically, there is still have many under classes in the society can not survive because the deficiency of money and lack of chances. Even they believe that they can make their life to be richer and fuller through the hard working.

Nowadays, American Dream is presented in a idealistic way which makes individuals to chase their dream blindly even there is no equal opportunities for everyone. Also, American Dream makes people's desire of wealth stronger and hides the reality that this dream is applies for people who is rich and in the power position.

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