Thursday 3 May 2018

Part 1 Amber The lie towards the refugees

The lie towards the refugees

 As The Declaration of Independence said," Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness", the American government makes the American dream as attractive as possible to whoever lives in America by letting it represent freedom, equality, and success. However, the reality of the American dream is just the opposite. The American dream nowadays is just a lie towards the vulnerable groups such as the refugees.

America should have become the refugees' new life but the poverty and difficulty to live breaks their dream. Because the refugees are from different parts of the world, most of them can't speak or read English. For every foreign student like me, it is already hard for us to find a job because our nationality may bring communication problems to our workplace. So what can those refugees do without any education? It becomes really hard for them to get a job in America even they are willing to do anything to support the family. It is impossible for them to have an equal chance to live a better life though they work very hard or try to do so. As the news article mentioned, it is hard for refugees to start their new life in America."I am educated. I can understand English and I am still struggling," Bushra says. She has met refugees who think they have made it when they step off the plane onto American soil. They think their ordeal is over. "Sorry, but that is not enough." The government seems to provide the refugees with money and resources to support their life whereas the difficulty for them to make their own living is far more severe than the government prepared for.  The truth of the American dream to the refugees is that they can barely support their life so what about their dream.

Refugees holding slogan against the inequality of American Dream

Now, life for refugees in America becomes even more difficult because of the ethnocentrism of American. Foreign people are faced with unequal treatment in different situations which becomes the barrier on their way to the American dream.  From this image, we can see the refugees holding the slogan which said Let us be part of the American Dream'.Its a resistance against the governments new America First policy which emphasizes American nationalism and anti-interventionism. Since The government has become the leader of the ethnocentrism, the immigrated refugees are also being bullied and discriminated by the local. 

The society has developed so much during these years that it becomes impossible for people to start their new life in America without any bases, especially for the refugees. To them, the American dream of owning a house with a garden and playground for his kids, of seeing their children go to college is really just a 'dream' now.

News article resources:
Basu, Moni. “Refugees Face Hurdles to American Dream.” CNN, Cable News Network, 20 June 2016,

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