Monday 7 May 2018

Part 2 Niven (YiFan) A wonderful illusion:American Dream

For American dream, it means that no matter what the status of the person is ,no matter what the race of the person is, everyone has the same right and equality. The most important thing is that the concept of class should not exist. However, I consider that American dream just is a wonderful illusion and it is impossible to be achieved in terms of the concept of class.
In The Great Gatsby, the person who could be used to demonstrate my opinion about American dream well is Myrtle, she is Tom Buchanan’s mistress. Before she became Tom’s mistress, she is Wilson’s wife,who just has a low-status, the apparent reason why she became Tom’s mistress is the yearning for money. While I think that the most significant reason is the desire for high social state because the concept of class has been embedded in her mind deeply.After she becomes Toms mistress, she thinks that she has broken away from the low-status and enter the top of social class. In her mind, she considers that she has an essential difference from these people who has a low-status in society.
In this book, it said that I told that boy about the ice. Myrtle raised her eyebrows in despair at the shiftlessness of the lower orders. These people! You have to keep after them all the time. She looked at me and laughed pointlessly. Then she flounced over the dog, kissed it with ecstasy, and swept into the kitchen, implying that a dozen chefs awaited her orders there. For this quotation, the attitude of Myrtle is so arrogant due to her mood and actions. The source of her arrogant is that she is Toms mistress. She thinks that she has the same social status as Tom . Before it is ,she is a person who just has a low social status like these boys who was told to add ices. However, currently, she separated herself from those who has a low-status automatically. She did not have any feeling that she is a person like these boy in the past, oppositely, she has agreed the point subconsciously that she has a high social status forever. This illusory idea has covered the real identity of her that her agree with due to the factor that the concept of class was buried in her heart all the time.
The concept of class is very similar with racial discrimination which was raised in part one. Although these ideas should not exist according to American Dream, it is impossible to be eliminated from peoples mind .The reason why they could not to be removed is different. For the concept of class, everyone would like to become a person with high social status and no one is willing to be worse than others, in another words, the drastic competition creates the concept of class. However, for racial discrimination, this idea was formed from long time ago and be difficult to throw out essentially, for example , a person has a bad habit for a long time, it is difficult to be repaired and this person still keeps this bad habit unconsciously, it has the same logic with racial discrimination.
the weight of a rich person is equal one hundred  common people
I have commented the part 2 of Bill

1 comment:

  1. PART 3-- Alex Volvo's comment for Niven

    Greetings Niven,

    [your personal response= How you feel and why you feel that way] Please make sure that you don't have run-on sentences. Your first sentence is hard to read because there is NO punctuation.

    However, there were also some miraculously,incredible aspects, such as, how you were able to completely focus on CLASSES.

    BUT, I think this would have been stronger if you didn't say the other aspects as well (such as race and equality) because they bloated your main idea.

    Now, I also don't think that the ideas related to classes were very original as I suspect that they featured more common sense than you would expect.

    [you can reply with: 1) your own counter-opinion 2) provide suggestions for how to improve]

    (Make sure that you QUOTE specific lines from their blog, to justify your comment)

    In continuation, I don't think that your Myrtle explanation had a personal understanding. I think you understood the character well, based on what we talked about in class. BUT, you should try to have a PERSONAL connection to your feelings about Myrtle. Do you have any feelings towards her actions? It doesn't really come across in your answer.

    For example, when you mention: "For this quotation, it is obvious that the attitude of Myrtle is arrogant", the word "obvious" is misplaced because if it IS obvious, then it is a FACT. So, where is your opinion?

    I appreciate your fantastic creation of a comment. It was truly a blessing and honor to have been able to read it. It was a precious insight into Myrtle.

    Thank you.

