Sunday 6 May 2018

Part 2 Haley (Shurun) Zhang The different American dream for us

Part 2

In my opinion, in the novel, American dream is about that we all can pursue happiness through purchasing goods because it can show our different wealth and social status, which also caused our different standards of a better life. For example, my parents work hard to make more money to buy a bigger house and more goods which can improve their living standards. However, the better life of my parents’ boss might be to expand his business. Therefore, their different social statuses make the different demands of their life, which means we cannot use money to pursue a same goal, so the American dream is not equal.

In The Great Gatsby, I think Gatsby can be connected to the American Dream because he is considered Daisy as a product, which can be purchased by money, but it cannot be achieved because Daisy cannot be purchased. In the novel, Gatsby wants to use money to make Daisy come back to 18 years old because he wants to possess the previous Daisy who doesn’t get marriage, and he also thinks money can change his blood to old money, which is his American dream. However, although Daisy hopes that Gatsby can help her to change her existing situations, she has no annoyance about her blood so she enjoys her status more than changing her situations.

Gatsby’s American dream is to use money to own the previous Daisy and become a person of old money, which is not realistic because the fact is that Daisy and blood are not goods which cannot be bought by Gatsby. For example, in the novel, Gatsby bought a big house in the nearest place to the east egg because he wants to approach Daisy, but he has no right to purchase house in the east egg because of his blood, which is also a boundary between him and Daisy. In addition, Daisy is not satisfied with her relationship of her husband, Tom, so she hopes that Gatsby’s money can help her to change the situation, but she still looks down on the new money, for instance, she never attend the party which is held by Gatsby because she cannot accept to attend a party with those people who are new money. Therefore, the American dream in the novel is about seeking happiness through money.
Gatsby's house in the nearest place in the east egg
As I mentioned in part 1, I think the American dream is about that we purchase the luxury goods to show our social status and wealth, and from the Great Gatsby, I think the American dream is to use goods to show our better life, which both related to the money because in any society, money can help us to achieve majority goals, such as owning a house, purchasing goods, even getting marriage and so on. In short, American dream cannot be lack of money, which is unfair because we have different family background, which cannot bring the same fortune for us, so we cannot achieve the American dream.

I gave comments for Dabria's part 2


  1. part3--Lynn's comment for Haley

    hi! haley

    I like your opinion about the American dream. goods can show people wealth and society status. people purchase goods to get happiness, which included in the American dream. I think it is a good idea to show people that goods take happiness and people materialize happiness. at the same time your examples is very close to our life that good for me to understand how goods take happiness to people.

    in the body paragraph, you think Gatsby consider daisy like a goods. and Gatsby also think he can use money to buy time. I think both of them are very good example to show people Gatsby 's happiness is daisy and past time with daisy. he want use money to buy them and achieve his happiness goal even it is impossible.

    from the second body paragraph I think you can use your examples that tom and daisy's family background and their opinion about the new money to expand your opinion. different society statues has different goals to achieve in American dream and money is not the only measure.

    thank you !


  2. Part 3 Amber's comment for Haley

    Hi Haley,

    I appreciate that you give out your own opinion about American dream at the beginning.

    However, I think that it seems to be vague because I couldn't really tell whether purchasing provides happiness is your argument or it is the inequality of American dream. Maybe you can fix that by providing a clearer opinion in the first sentence.

    I like your idea about Gatsby is taking Daisy and the old money's blood as products and dreaming one day he can purchase them. Maybe you can provide quotations to make your proving more valid instead of just analyzing the summary of the novel.

    In your last paragraph, I see your connection between your media example and the character Gatsby. What I'm confused about is how your examples of Gatsby's commercialization prove the opinion about different status brings different fortune and without money we can't realize our American dream since Gatsby obviously owns a lot of money.

    Maybe you can fix it by changing your examples into one of the reasons why Daisy left Gatsby is that he was poor that time and the fact that she married Tom who had a lot of money. I think this can give a better support to your argument about different status brings inequality in the American dream.

    Any way, your organization of the article is clear and the idea is quite unique. I enjoyed a lot reading your work.

    Thank you,

