Monday 7 May 2018

Part 2 (Mandy)

            In that generation, the real American Dream is controlled by people who are really rich. Money is bond between the real American Dream and persons- to make your life into something you can sell. But actually, no one can achieve it, the past, the family and fate is cannot change by money.
            In the novel, Gatsby is the character which author uses to show the American dream much. He Is the symbol of the New money which is the opposite to the old money. But for himself, he wants to use money to change his past and become old money.  He thinks money can buy the life style of old money, the marriage even the daughter of daisy. It conforms to the definition of the American Dream-to make your life into something you can sell. The ending of Gatsby prove that it is totally wrong which he thinks. It is irony the American dream is not equally. The behavior of him is also present the people respect and eager to close to the Old money. They want to use their own work to achieve the American Dream.
            For daisy, she has a rich husband, old money identity, good reputation but the marriage is unfortunate for her. She is the symbol of the female in old money in American Dream. She can wear dresses and takes part in many parties. She is independent and have her own thoughts. But become the old money, she cannot get the happy married and peaceful fate. it prove that money cannot buy everything.The word she said “I wish my daughter is a beautiful fool” shows the reality of the women who suffered many pain and unfair fate. For both of American Dream and their own dream for them are also difficult to get than men.
            Compared the fate and past of Gatsby and Daisy, although Daisy is the old money which Gatsby always want to be, but actually she doesn't get anything from American Dream. For Gatsby, he gets the money and the future, but he cannot change past. He never come to the east egg and become old money he wants. But he is near his own dream and lived in the place which nearest the east egg. Thus, for women and men, the society decided that it is not equally. Even the new women appeared, but they are difficult choose their own fate and achieve the American Dream. It is a society problem which need the fundamental change in order to them to have a change. It is also benefit decrease the gender problems in all society, too. The time and thought change is the root which can also make the American Dream equally. Compare with daisy and the female Captain America, daisy is the reality and female Captain America is the idealism. Daisy cannot change her fate although she have a lot of money. But for female Captain America, she can easily hit a male and protect the peace. Thus, the American Dream want to send the women can use their own strive to make them strong like the female Captain America in the picture.


1 comment:

  1. Part 3 Charlie's comment for Mandy

    In the first paragraph, you did a great job where you illustrate your understanding of how the American Dream is shown in the Great Gatsby. But you also need to show your idea and personal connection which links to the American Dream such as telling that the money can not change your life and your family or past. However, you do have a good start where it shows your main idea.

    In the body paragraph, it probably shows a summary and you only talk about he had done in the story. You should focus more on what you think about Gatsby's language and action, especially mention Daisy's daughter and talk about the struggle in his inner heart when he can not face the reality. However, you talk about some aspects of Gatsby and i think that you should focus more on only one of them and states your own opinion which links to the American Dream.

    The same problem tells that you only show a summary about Daisy and Gatsby. You should put more concentration on how the characters in the novel connect to the American Dream. Although you tell that Daisy doesn't achieve the American dream, but you didn't tell why she doesn't and explain more specifically and same as Gatsby.

    Lastly, you still need to make a connect to your part one which links to your own opinion about the American Dream and show that part to your part two writing. Think about what is your main theme such as class divison, idealism versus reality. However, i do think that you did a great job when you analyze both of them so specific. I am really enjoy after i read it. Keep going !

    Thank you,
