Sunday 6 May 2018

Part 2 Victor Yang

From my point of view, the American Dream is an idealistic belief that everyone is able to grasp equal opportunity to succeed by working assiduously, regardless of other social factors such as gender and skin color. But for lower class, the American dream is just a hopeful assumption in reality. Like Brazilian women, they forfeit certain rights caused by people’s discrimination. Therefore, Brazilian women begin to fight for gaining their rights, but their effort is under great pressure created by people’s stereotype to women. The unattainability of feminism in society is a reflection of the hypocrisy of the American dream. In "The Great Gatsby”,  I believe that neither Gatsby nor Daisy could achieve the American dream because they chose to indulge in the illusion of a fantasy world created by society and show no desire to face the cruel side of American Dream.

                                            Gatsby, a money pursuer, demonstrates no love to woman

For Gatsby, he misunderstands the American dream as a satisfaction of wealth. Besides, his romantic relationship with Daisy mix with money. He regards Daisy as a commercialization goods instead of true lover, and a representative of his prestigious status, just because she is old money. The deliberate ignorance to feminism become a main trigger for the tragedy of his love. For example, Gatsby thinks Daisy “her voice is full of money”. Gatsby regards his love for Daisy as a desire for wealth. The ultimate purpose of Gatsby holding party and approaching Nick is to regain Daisy’s love, but he cannot distinguish from what is true love and  material pursuit. The ignorance of the government undoubtedly creates an illusion for Gatsby's concept of money and love, which make him blindly worship the process of realizing American Dream, but blur the concept about equality of gender and race. Although Gatsby respects Daisy, he ignores the gender equality in dealing with Daisy, and the sense of male supremacy has led him to strip off Daisy’s right to make choice. Therefore, for Americans like New Money Gatsby, the gorgeous dream in reality is equivalent to money and social status.

                                          Daisy, old money, a selfish woman who care material much

For Daisy, the new woman, Her failure of the American dream is due to her obsession with material wealth and selfishness. I mentioned in Part 1, the loss of women’s gender equality results in women’s failure to successfully achieve the American dream. For Brazilian women, their abortion right has striped off by constitutional amendment, no one in society cares much about their voice about abortion. Similarly, Daisy’ right to choose has deprived by male, she acts as a tool to fulfill male’s vanity.  For instance, Although Daisy gains ample wealth from Tom, she still endures Tom’s indifferent treatment and never receive respect at all.His attitude makes Daisy feel painful about her life. Besides, Daisy only care about Gatsby’s money instead of truly caring him, so she lets Gatsby take the responsibility for accidental death of Myrtle. Her selfishness and female’s social status are important factors that make her unable to realize the American Dream.

In my opinion, I think that society needs some reformations, like advertising the awareness to prohibit the racial discrimination, and claiming that male and female are equal. Every new woman should be given equal rights in terms of the equality between social statuses so that everyone is available and equal to achieve the American Dream. Otherwise, not only the women, the rest of the American Dream pursuers will be destroyed by the hypocrisy of the reality.


  1. Hi Victor here is Sorensen speaking

    First of all, i have to admire that you did a good job that you proved your opinion by using two people who have different genders in the novel The Great Gatsby, mang people would ignore this detail but i won't. At the same time, it counrts a lot. Because only people could understand and agree with your opinion when you give them proof from both sides. Thus, using Gatsby and Daisy as examples could help readers understand the blog quckly as everyone are familar with them if they have read this novel.

    However, some drawbacks i have to point out, although i do not want to. "Like Brazilian women, they forfeit certain rights caused by people’s discrimination. Therefore, Brazilian women begin to fight for gaining their rights, but their effort is under great pressure created by people’s stereotype to women. The connection you made with the media in Part 1 is so sudden in the first paragraph that not everyone could understand it as quick as me. In my opinion, i think it could be added in the last paragraph.

    What's more. The conclusion made in the end could help readers go over you blog efficiently. The issue you put forword is connected with the American Dream firmly.

    I am inspired a lot from your blog, i hope that we could be improved together.

    Finally, don't forget that Sorensen loves your blog a lot. :)

  2. This is Victor, and I commented on the idea of Vito.
