Thursday 3 May 2018

A wonderful illusion:American dream(Niven) part 1

For American dream, it means that everyone is equal and they have same right, equal opportunity, as long as they can work hard, they must get success.And it would not change any more due to different gender or race.Thus,many people think that American dream is so wonderful and could be achieved totally. However, in my opinion, I consider that American dream is just an idealism concept, and it is impossible to be achieved. Firstly, the biggest problem is that it is difficult that everyone has equal opportunity to get a job. For example, according to a news report, it said that unemployment rate in America has raised to 25% from 1929 to 1933 due to great depression and until now, the population still be increased trend and the number is hopeful to break through 320 million. Though this news, we can know that in the future, the population in America will continue to grow and the chance to find a job would be keep decreasing.Thus,the competition would become more intense, what is more, if a person who has had a job is worse than a person who is searching a job , the person who is more great would replace the position of the person who is worse. For me, I can experience the difficulty by myself about finding a job, in summer holiday, I would like to use my math mark in college entrance exam to find a  job about math teacher in educational insititution. However,I was objected about ten times due to the reason that maybe only one of twenty people could get the job and even although my ability is stronger than a person ,the person have certain special relationship with the company, and then there is no doubt that I will fail.  From the above, it is impossible that everyone has a job or even everyone has a  equal chance to get a job.
Besides, for the other hand, although American dream has been declared, racial discrimination still be very serious. From the newspaper, it said that from the latest research report, the degree of racial discrimination still be same as it was 30 years ago. Currently, although we have entered in 20th century, people still have conflicting ideas about different races. From the data in newspaper, this situation still be serious like it before 30 years. Thus,maybe in the future, this kind of concept for different races in peoples mind still not be changed due to the factor that this idea was formed from long time ago and be difficult to throw out essentially.Thus, in terms of racial equity, it is so hard to reach the concept:American dream.                          
In conclusion, according to aforementioned contentions, American dream just leaves in peoples mind and as a target which is valuable to be chased and infinitely approach it.However,it is impossible to be achieved and it just is a idealism concept.
people stand on the street to wait a chance of job

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