Wednesday 2 May 2018

Part 1 Michael (Yinmin) Xu

Nowadays, the American Dream is still mentioned in the media. It is affecting their greatest audience,children,somehow. Some people think the American Dream is teaching these children to bulid up their own dream in their most improtant period of life. In my opinion, these kind of medias show that the American Dream restricts children's cognition of the worldby the exaggerated power of wealth. American dream is all about the materialism and wealth. If government uses the influencial media to mention the idea of American Dream, the children who are the most innocent and convertible people in the world will be affected to form a wrong world view that earning money is the only way to achieve their dream. It restrict them from other meaningful things in life.
Raj chetty gives his speech about American Dream 
 In the article Using big data to understand the disappearing American dream at Childx, Stanford economist Raj Chetty describes the American dream as growing up to earn more than their parents for children. It tells that the American dream for American children now represented the financial strength of their nation so they need to work hard for more money. However, children actully have no choice since they are at the age of accepting instead of thinking and deciding. Showing it in this way is same as forcing American children to have the dream of earning more. It is a realistic way since the government know that it can help strengthen the financial power of American. However, it is harmful to  children's own different lives. For these, the American Dream restricts Children's cognition of the world.

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