Monday 7 May 2018

part 2 Chris Lu

Twisted American Dream: money means privileges.
    In The Great Gatsby, the American Dream is changed. In the past, American Dream was a symbol of equality, liberty and working hard could result in success.It was a mental support which motivate people to work hard then they could be succeed and happy. Their goals were to pursue their dreams and beliefs.However, the American Dream has turned into corrupting in The Great Gatsby. It has turned into a dream which unscrupulous, pursuit of money and pursuit of indulgence without pursuing the satisfaction in mental world.
    In the book, people are crazy about how to earn money and how to gain the recognition of people. Furthermore, they think that they could do anything because the money is almighty. Gatsby is the typical character who has the twisted American Dream. When he was young, he thought that hardworking is the best way to achieve success. However, when he came back from the war and became rich. He thinks that he could use money to change Daisy’s view and come back to him. The whole people in America are all materialistic at that time. They think that money is the most important thing in the world. And they could be privileged if they have much money. This environment forces Gatsby to be a materialist. This makes him change his attitude to life that money means privileges.. In his opinion, money is above anything else. ‘ Can’t repeat the past?’ he cried incredulously. ‘Why of course you can!’ Gatsby thinks that the past could be repeated because he has much money. In my opinion, the past could not be repeated. But the love between Daisy and Gatsby could be repeated by using sincerity. However, Gatsby’s method is not using sincerity but using money. In his opinion, if he has enough money, he could do anything such as he could buy the memory that the beatific past, the previous Daisy who he has always love and the reputation. However, does he really feels happy or satisfied? No, he would never be happy any more. Although the money bring him temporary happy, he still would be lonely and lost in the future. Because the happiness which money brings is not the true happiness. The true happiness is based on the mental world. The money just could bring him the lost in heart. The money has controlled his all life which make him lose the previous beliefs. The dream in his mind has disappeared for a long time. It is so terrible because if one person loses his belief and consider that the money is everything in his life, he would lose in himself and wouldn’t know what valuable things could do in the future. He appears stylish and chic, but the facade hides a very lightweight persona.
    In the modern world, although money is necessary, people still cannot forget our previous dreams and beliefs. If they remain their insistence to the dreams and beliefs, the money would not destroy their mental world. Thus the money cannot control them. Their mental would be satisfied again. Furthermore, the American Dream will become the previous dream.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Chris
    You think that in the great Gatsby, the American dream has become a dream for the unscrupulous pursuit of money and indulgence. I really like your opinion. Because money in the book blinded Gatsby's eyes, even made him ridiculously think that money could buy time.
    But I hope you can explain Gatsby's dream more in your blog.
    But I think that Gatsby’s generation of such ideas may not be Gatsby’s personal problem but a tragedy of the times. This completely materialized society makes money the only goal pursued by all, because only mastering money can control a part of social resources to realize their dreams. In this context, Gatsby, as an affluent person, has already mastered a lot of money, so he thinks that since he has enough money, he should have enough resources to realize his dream.
    I enjoy reading your blog very much.
