Monday 7 May 2018

Part 2 Hawk (bufan) Lyu

During the 1920s, the American Dream is like a deceit that only old money can achieve their dream, others were not able to succeed in the society. The American  Dream is a propaganda that attracts people to work hard and encourage them to chase their goal. However, people were failed to chase their dream due to the social class cannot be changed. For example, I was interested in play badminton with my friend, who plays the badminton well and I hope I can play as brilliant as him, but I finally realize that he is taller and stronger than me, I cannot play better than him. This experience taught me a lesson that when you are born, you are the person that you born, and you cannot change it. The idea of the American dream is similar than this, people cannot change their class, and the American dream said that everyone can be success if they work hard is a lie. 

In the book The Great Gatsby, the Gatsby was born poor but he wants to be old money which leads to his tragedy. Gatsby's goal is to get Daisy back, in order to get Daisy back, he must become rich and old money. However, although he becomes wealthy Gatsby cannot be the old money. Old money are born wealthy, but Gatsby born poor, he can only act like old money. "you can't repeat the past." said by Nick. The quotation shows Gatsby's relationship with Daisy cannot return to the past, which indicates that Gatsby cannot achieve his American Dream. Gatsby's American Dream attract him to become rich to achieve his goal because for him the American Dream is money can buy everything. He went to the war and act like old money is to make him be more successful in order to get Daisy back. The conflict of old money and new money lead to Gatsby's failure. No matter Gatsby is wealthy or not, his class never changed. The American Dream is a deceit to Gatsby that he cannot achieve his dream, no matter how successful he is, he cannot buy daisy back. Gatsby's dream " money can buy everything" is a lie.

Compare to the example in part one, Gatsby is like the dog in the picture. He tried to chase his dreams, but it's impossible to achieve his dreams if the American Dream is a deceit. The only way that can change this situation is to change the social values. Money cannot buy everything, wealthy is not the only goal of the American Dream, according to the Declaration of Independent, people have the opportunity to achieve their own goals. 

Image result for class division Gatsby

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