Sunday 6 May 2018

Part 2 Sorensen Chen how The Great Gatsby indicates the truth of American Dream?

American Dream has been promoted by American government for generations. It encourages the public to join their country as this land allows people to realize their dreams freely. On the other hand, the Declaration of Independence also ensures that their legal rights would not be damaged. However, people who are successful are so arrogant that they are used to looking down on the poor or unlucky. On the other side, people who are offended could not defend for themselves because all opporunities they own are provided by the rich. Ameican Dream could not be realized in this way. Because people have no accesss to the success equally.We could aslo find out the example in the novel The Great Gatsby.

In the novel The Great Gatsby, a book indiicates lifestyles of people who belong to high class in detail, this phemomenon appears as well. For example, Tom, a successful businessman from Old Money, shows no respect for the poor.What’s more. He even claimed a poor man’s wife by money. However, Mr. Wilson could not defend for himself because Tom would give his a great business. Let’s look at the quotation from the novel ( When Tom and Wilson are talking about their business): “ I can’t complain.” answered Wilson, “ When are you going to sell me that car?” “ Next week; I have got my man working on it now.” “ Works pretty slow, don’t he?” “if you feel that way about it, maybe I’d better sell it someone else after all.” “I don’t mean that,” explained Wilson quickly.

TOM, an Old Money, shows no respect for the poor
As we know, the only reason why Tom would recommend the business to Wilson is just that he could have access to Wilson’s wife easily. Otherwise, it is impossible for Wilson to get such a great deal. To continue this situation, Tom makes an excuse that his car is still useful. It’s clear that even though Wilson is not satisfied with his excuse, he could not negotiate with Tom because only Tom gives him this chance to earn money. One of the shortcomings of American Dream is shown here. According to the Declaration of Independence, every American citizen should have equal opportunities to realize their dream. However, in this story, Wilson’s family is so weak that they have to rely on those people who are wealthy could recommend the business to them. It’s clear that people are not equal at all. What’s more. No one is allowed to be against others’ legal rights. However, Tom could damage their dignities easily. On the other hand, Gatsby, a wealthy man who belongs to New Money also shows no respect for or ignores the poor.

 Compared with two examples in the novel, the meaning expressed by the picture in Part 1 is proved as well: The change of prople's attitudes towards others depend on their circumstances. Once they become successful, what could not be avoided is that they would be arrogant and claim the poor and unlucky, the standard of American Dream is broken.

The country could not afford to meet everyone’s needs because of the variety of the public’s desire. The limit of resources ensures that American Dream is just a kind of idealism. What’s more. Those people who have been successful enjoy judging or treating others whether they are successful by their own standards. However, accoring to the definition of American Dream, everyone has different goals to chase. Those successful people have no rights to damage others’ legal rights. Under this circumstance, this behavior would be against the Declaration of Independence. Thus, American Dream is impossible to be realized in this way because of the superiority caused bythe class division. 


  1. Part 3 Grace Zhang
    Hi Sorensen:
    I think the examples you found in the book are very good. The comparison between Tom and George can clearly shows that the American dream cannot be equally available to everyone because the opportunities the upper class have are extremely different from the lower class.And Their lifestyle, their attitude towards others are quite different too.
    However, I think you pay too much attention to the attitude that Tom has towards the poor. It is not quite related to your theme. For example,"Tom, a successful businessman from Old Money, shows no respect for the poor. What’s more. He even claimed a poor man’s wife by money." This sentence does not talk about the American dream. I know you want to show the difference between Tom and Wilson, actually you can use more detail in the book which describes the success of Tom or you can find some detail which says that the old money have the rights to damage other people's rights to achieve their American dream.
    Ultimately, I really enjoyed reading your blog. But I wish you can make the words bigger so that we can read more comfortable.
    By the way, this is Grace~ :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Part 3 Cloven Song
    Hi Sorensen:
    I love the example you used, Tom did look down on Wilson. I also agree with you that people who succeed will become arrogant, because China has such an example. While some people in China are rich, traditions and morals are still lagging behind. I think this is an unavoidable problem in an era of rapid development. But I do not agree with you that people become arrogant because they are rich, because it is the moral of man that determines it, not the money. There are many people who are willing to pay a lot of money to develop their children after they succeed, so their children can become both rich and not arrogant.

    I enjoy reading your point of view, because it gives me a lot of inspiration for the problems facing the age of development.
    by your friend, Cloven.

  4. Hey Yo I AM SORENSEN I commented Victor's

  5. Part 3 Rita(Yixuan) Lin

    Hi, Sorensen

    I think the example you chose from The Great Gatsby, which proves the truth of the American Dream is appropriate. Your opinion is that there will never be real equality in the society due to the respect for the upper class in the American Dream, it represents wealth and power, people who are rich are the top status in the social structure. However, the poor people cannot get any equal opportunities unless they get help from the old money, they need to rely on them while the rich people show no respect for them.

    You chose the scene that Tom provides Wilson the opportunities to get money in order for Tom get closer to Wilson’s wife. Wilson cannot reject the offer because he can only have the work opportunity through getting the help of Tom. “ I can’t complain.” answered Wilson, “ When are you going to sell me that car?” “ Next week; I have got my man working on it now.” “ Works pretty slow, don’t he?” “if you feel that way about it, maybe I’d better sell it someone else after all.” “I don’t mean that,” explained Wilson quickly. This quote describes the truth that American Dream cannot bring equality because poor people cannot avoid getting help from the old money in order to live while the wealthiest people show no respect to them but just want to use them.

    However, I think this quotation you chose from the book is a really special one that the purpose of Tom to provide work opportunities for Wilson is to get closer to Wilson’s wife. This behavior is only for Tom, who has a relationship with Myrtle but is not appropriate to explain the situation that poor people can only get the opportunities from the upper class. In order to prove the truth that all the opportunities for the poor people are provided by rich man, which shows no equality between people, I think you can choose other examples from the book which has no particularity purpose. The example you choose is supposed to prove the universal phenomenon of inequality, but not the behavior out of personal desire. In other words, you may find a quotation about an old-money people, who does not want to get closer to Myrtle as Tom, someone provides the opportunities for the lower class naturally that comply with the social structure. In this case you can easily convey that most of the resources are controlled by the upper class and only they can give the lower class the chance to earn money. It can show your idea that there is a contradiction in the American Dream, it cannot achieve the equality in society due to the respect for wealth and power. It protects the rights of rich man, which will do harm to the poor man.

    I really enjoy reading your blog and I think you do have an excellent understanding about the truth of the American Dream. Maybe you can improve the proof part by choosing another example, which has no particularity to prove the universal phenomenon according to my suggestion if you are agree with it since your analysis about this statement is good.

    Thank you for reading my comment, I look forward to your reply!

    This is Rita
