Wednesday 2 May 2018

Part 1 Bill(Zheng Fang) strategy that lead the public opinions

I think the American dream is a psychological strategy that the upper class has been using to brain-wash the public. I won’t feel unfair if I have a way to reach a higher class like higher class do even it is just an illusion. Although people from lower class probably cannot reach a much higher class in their whole life, they still feel comfortable during their hardworking, as well as under the control by the upper class mentally. They lost their ability to find out what they really want for happiness.

Firstas the comic below said ‘the top 10%(upper classown half of the resources and 90%(public share another half. The upper class must have a reason for this otherwise the public will not accept it.’ In fact, the American Dream is the reason. They not only made up this reason but also proved it with ‘hardworking’, although we all know they may not work hard. This gives the public a hope and an illusion of equality.

Secondthere is also a sentence used in advertisement“You won’t archive the American Dream by dreamingyou‘ll archive it by doing.’” This sentence obviously shows what the publisher wants the public to do“to do”. If the pubic believe in that working hard leads to successthey will not march for their salary or working treatment because they believe they will have the treatment they deserve if they keep working hard.

It has never been a fair world: American Dream has different definitions for everybody and the upper class has the right to interpretation. So for all the reasons I have providedI strongly believe the American Dream is an illusion that brain-wash the public.
Comic:Inequality between different class

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