Sunday 6 May 2018

part 2 Daisy everything is achievable

Gatsby and Daisy
In my opinion, American Dream is that the birth doesn’t determine the future, people can work hard to keep away from the restriction of the background. Because money and social status are achievable if you just work hard and catch chances to make yourselves be wealthier. On the other word, the Old Money and the New Money could get along with each other because they achieve high achievements via different way though. If people work hard and become richer, they can buy whatever they want, even the past, their backgrounds, the education or marriage. Then, they will be as same as the Old Money.

In the book, Gatsby is a kind of person who believes that money can buy everything even fix the past via his hard work to become the Old Money. However, I don’t think he achieves his American Dream via buying social status because no matter where did he live, he still couldn’t move to East Egg, though he was closest to the East Money. He will still fail in nowadays because the background does not only mean a large amount of money but also mean the that their families can provide them more excellent social resources which are easier to get success. For example, even the education which is thought the most possible way to change the class is also a money consumed investment. In order to accept the best education, parents have to spend thousands of money to send their children to private schools. Even these after class tutoring or interest classes are very expensive. It requires the family can provide strong supports so that children can enter top universities.

 Gatsby is the kind of person who strongly believes that money can buy everything and fix the past so that it can seek for social states like the Old Money. For example, he cheated his past that when he introduced his background, he emphasized that he was born in a wealthy family which is closer to the Old Money, and he also lied that he was educated in Oxford. However, the problem is that he was trying to hide his true pats to pretend he was an Old Money instead of really fixing it. On the other hand, he also loved Daisy and he hoped to marry her. So he bought a big house and threw big parties so that it can attract Daisy. In fact, Gatsby didn’t really love Daisy, married Daisy is just another goal to prove his American Dream. If he has an Old Money wife, it means that he becomes a crowd of the Old Money. And he also has a bigger plan about Daisy. For example, he said, “Her voice is full of money”. It confirms that he will use Daisy to get higher goals so that he was crazy to Daisy.

Compare these two thoughts, all of them strongly believe that the birth doesn’t determine the future. And they are working hard to fix the shortage of their background. They are quite similar but in the different process. The family in picture in part I is still seeking for money, but Gatsby has already got a mount of money and he hopes to achieve higher social statues.


  1. Part 3--Michael Xu's comment for Daisy

    Hi, Daisy!

    Your original idea that money can change the background restriction amazes me since I never consider American Dream can be a positive power for people. And you relate it to the relationship of Old money and New money, which makes it clearer.

    However, when I read the second paragraph, I feel confused.What you said is to prove that people can't change their backgroung generally. It is contrast with your idea. If you can show the reasons why Gatsby can't, it will be better.

    OR you can change you description in paragraph one into the contrast idea.

    What's more, I don't think that your idea showed in paragraph three is very personal.Your understanding on Gatsby is quite good but that's what we learn in class. I hope to see your own feeling about his lies and love and how they connect to your idea DEEPLY.

    For example, when you mentioned "the problem is that he was trying to hide his true pats to pretend he was an Old Money instead of really fixing it."It is more like a fact instead of your own understanding.

    You can also put emphasize on one quotation to make your provement stronger.

    Although there are some little problems, the insight in Gatsby make me learn something new about him. It was a happy time to read your blog.

    Thank you!!!


  2. This is Daisy. I commented on the idea of Taylor.
