Friday 4 May 2018

Part 1 Taylor

First of all, I think that the United States itself is a materialized capitalist country. The essence of the American dream is also material. Under the capitalist system, only a small percentage of people can hold large amounts of goods. For this small group of people, their American dream is the real American dream because they have enough capital to enjoy happiness. For me, buying beautiful clothes makes me happy, but I don't have enough money to buy a Gucci suit. So people who don't have enough capital can't pursue the happy American dream.They can only work hard under the lies created by the government and create more supplies for the capitalists.Therefore, the government fabricated to deceive the people. By this means, the government uses it to trick people into accepting the development of capitalism and exploiting the people at the bottom. Second, the American dream is false because the society in the capitalist countries is itself a class society. I was born in a working-class family, so my family is not very wealthy. If I want to be more prosperous in the future, it is very difficult because my family cannot provide me with enough capital and social relations help me to start a business. But for some of my wealthy friends, they can inherit the shares of their parents, even if they can live a prosperous life without work. So no matter how hard the underlying people work, they cannot reach the heights of the high-level people. The government give people the concept that American Dream is for convince them that they can reach the top level of the material society through hard work, which makes the bottom people work harder. But in reality they can never be reached.

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