Thursday 3 May 2018

Jason Pan Part1

American Dream tells us if we work hard no matter where we came and what the gender we are, we would achieve everything we want. As we know, people could achieve the goal after they tried their best.
However, this dream cannot become true because I saw lots of issues were reflected by the American news about the unequal work. It means the American Dream is just a dream because somebody works hard with less achievement due to his or her ethnicity and gender. In fact, this American Dream is like business. Business has two aspects of income and expenditure, which means the American Dream cannot benefit everyone.
Woman is hard working for her American Dream
“In the U.S., women own 39 percent of all privately-owned businesses but receive only around 4 percent of venture capital funding. Put another way, male-led ventures receive 96 percent of all funding. “said Banu Ozkazanc-Pan in the net article.
Her investigation and analysis show that the American Dream cannot benefit everyone. Even the women work much harder than men do, they showed their excellent abilities of business, but they can only get recognition from a few people. So, the society can only give the limited opportunities for hard working women to become successful. I think the author wrote this article and send it online is not only to analyze the existing issues clearly in the current American society, but also to notice Americans the American Dream is not fair for everyone as an ordinary people.
Obviously, this American Dream is like idealistic because it ignores the social issues, such as the discretion of ethnicity and gender, which actually effect the equality to obtain achievement by cost same hard working.



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