Thursday 3 May 2018

part 1 Lynn

American dream is changed it starting point changed, from the ruling class to people, which changed the starting point of interest. 

bank loans help people achieve American dream in advance, but it also limited people to achieve the real American dream. the life, liberty and the happiness that they want.  bank loans limited people's future life, which made people work for it in their future life. they can not get the true ideality life, mentally and substantial liberty and happiness. like my parents want to have better life so they borrowed from the bank. but they need to pay for it 30 years which means they limited by the bank.

the news article thinks that, nowadays, American dream focuses on eliminating worries rather than providing comforts, which include student debt worries, employ woes, healthcare worries and retirement worries. More and more people worry about their study fee, they debt form banks and after they graduated they need a high salary job to pay for their debit. Besides that, they also need to consider their future life after they retirement. All of these problems run through their lives. So American dream closer to people’s daily life and focuses on eliminating on the eliminating. 
I think American can be represent in this way because it more connects to the people the daily. Most people care about those problem. These four problems are closely related to people’s lives today. These problems need government to solve and show that American dream become a way to help people to solve the problem then the more comfortable life. It can show the America dram closer to the people. And it changes the idealistic propagandize that American dream provides comforts like an idealistic life, a house two children and a couple. It shows the American dream is very realistic to show the problems that the people really have in their life. American dream has become more practical, from idealized propaganda to practical solve problem, which can reflection the change and progress of the American dream.

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