Friday 4 May 2018

Part 1 Camille (Yifei) The ignorance of human nature in the American Dream

        Only focusing on the better side of the human being has made the American Dream unrealistic.
        For example, the nature of putting labels on people has taken away many chances which were supposed to be equally available. Putting a label and making objective expectation on this label make it easier for us to understand the surround. Rules and definitions are set already that we would not need to make more prediction about things. For the labels we put on people, it helps us get to know them. However, the complicity of human has made labeling not so convenient. Labeling has actually become a vice that needs to be suppressed. An individual can have so many features created by their personal experience that labeling would limit the possibility of this person. And with this type of labeling, people lose the chances of living out of the expectation society set, possibly achieving the better version of themselves.

        More to that, our instinct of being “justice” make us do bad things and feel obligated. When people put themselves on the moral high ground, it becomes impossible for them to walk into other’s shoes. Without the understanding of each other, we judge in a subjectively and blame other or even punish other without seeing from their perspective. We make horrible mistakes because of this “executioner” hide inside. Whenever we let this instinct drives us, we take away other’s equal right of justifying themselves.
Barney in his Uncle Sam Costume 
        People have realized the unrealistic about the American Dream. It is too perfect to be true. Nowadays, the American Dream is presented in a way that is more of a joke instead of a serious goal. The American Dream is a fantasy. A belief that reminds people that they might have a chance at something better. Everyone's goal is not realizing the dream anymore. Instead, they just use it as an impetus. The American Dream urges on people to try their best at making their life better.

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