Thursday 3 May 2018

Part 1 Hawk (bufan) Lyu--- The deceit of American Dream

I think the American Dream is a deceit of government that try to encourage people to work harder and contribute to the society without the committing the success in a specific way.

The middle class are chasing their American Dream

The American Dream is like a propaganda that only tells big words such as success, rich, and famous. People cannot get success if they only know the goal without a way to achieve their dream. Therefore, the American Dream is like a deceit that lies to people that everyone can succeed if they work hard. The powerful picture shows how the American Dream trick people. The picture suggests that the person or organization use the "American Dream" which is never be achieved to encourage people to work for them. The hungry dogs represent the people that want to be successful but it is impossible for them to succeed in the society because the American Dream is a lie to people.
Image result for american dream fail
The American Dream fail
Another reason for the American Dream is a deceit that people were failed to chase their dream. I think the main idea of this picture is rich vs poor. In the society, if I am the person that has money and power, the way that I can maintain my wealth is to close the way that people can get money from me which leads to exploit the poor and the middle class. The American Dream is like a exploitation. In the society of materialism, become wealthy is the only way to be the success. The American Dream use people's desire for success to create the deceit that everyone can be success if they work hard.  In my opinion, the American Dream is idealistic, because the American Dream doesn't commit the success in a specific way. Everyone has different personalities, which makes people have different goals and different ways to achieve their dreams. Therefore, the American Dream is a lie to people who believe work hard can make them succeed.

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