Monday 13 August 2018

Jack Part 2-different status different dream

In the great Gatsby, everyone's American dream is different. First of all, the person of tom, the American dream is even what he does not need, he is old money, and he is proud of it, and everything he has is already the American dream of most people. For Gatsby, his American dream should never be realized. What he hopes is the ideal Daisy, but the real Daisy is not what he thinks, and he can't become what he imagined. Look like. For Wilson, his American dream may just be a good day, but he can't achieve it. His dream is what Tom and Gatsby already have, but he is no money, his status determines his American dream. can not achieve.Everyone has a different dream, but the content of the dream and the status of the people have long determined whether their dreams can be achieved.

Even if they make a change, they can't realize their dreams. Gatsby’s dream is impossible, even if he already has a very high status and possesses wealth that cannot be imagined by ordinary people, his dream can not be realized. I don't think anyone knows how to help him achieve his American dream, unless he can understand that his ideals are not real. For Wilson, the same change is not possible. He is just a car repairer. He can only work hard and make money. He hopes that one day he can earn money for his family’s good life. It’s hard, people who are higher than him come back to disturb his life.For example, Tom, he always called Wilson's wife, Myrtle, to play with her. For Tom, these no moneys are like toys. If they can't get rid of their low-level identity, they may only be toys of superior class.

One of the conveniences of the great American dream that Gatsby wants to show is that the American dream is different for everyone, and since it is different, then it is not fair, the dream of the poor is what the rich already have. Things, and the dreams of some rich people, such as Gatsby, can never be realized.

Saturday 11 August 2018

Sebastian Ma Part 2 -- The " Equal " American Dream in the Great Gatsby

    To be honest, in my view, the American dream has never been equal for everyone, past or present. Nowadays, good economic fundamentals and social connections mean you have a higher starting point than others, but this is not too naked relative to the past. In the era of Gatsby, the American Dream is just a silly idea. For the old money, there was no need to have that belief, because they had everything they want as the day they were born. For the new money, it may seem achievable, but it was just a mirage, and when you thought you can catch it right away, you found it's not there, and no matter how hard you tried to get close to it, you couldn't catch it at all. And for the no money... it was just a joke, they worked hard and obeyed the law, hoping that one day God would take care of them until one day the reality destroyed them completely. They believed the old money would pay for their working, and they would have money, happiness and respect. However, the old money only cared about people like them, and the new money pursued their American dream by hook or by crook, so nobody really cared about the no money. Even so, they could only hope that one day those people would show mercy in Great Gatsby.

I'm working :)
Now, I'm crazy!
    George Wilson is the best representative of the no money. He had worked so hard that one day Tom would help him out of poverty so that he could make his beloved wife Myrtle Wilson live a little betterBut the truth is that Tom just wants to have fun with his wife, and other things Tom didn't care about at all. Even more ironically, not only did he fail to realize his American dream little by little with the "help" of Tom, he was also used and abandoned as a tool to murder Gatsby. He eventually killed Gatsby and died at his home. In other words, he was destroyed by the American Dream which he still believed. Just because he was a poor no money, he hadn't had a chance to achieve it since the beginning.

I'm off, there you go
    In fact, no one in Great Gatsby had ever been able to realize their own American Dream. Because that society was deed, God was gone, no change would occur. Although the society was wrong, what really needed to change was human, because the root of the society is human. If they really wanted to realize their own dream, all of them are necessary to do some change. The old money needed to accept the new money and care for no money. The new money needed to know money isn't everything, for example, Gatsby believed he can change past through money, that's one of the reasons he failed to live up to his American Dream. And the no money needed to understand they can't just wait for someone else to save them, they have to try to take their chances, but only if the old money and the new money had changed.

Daniel---The relationship which between competition and American dream Part2

In the great Gatsby,  the competition is so intense that almost every one want to achieve their American dream. Their American dreams are equal to earn more money due to the fact that they consider money can bring happiness to them. They refer money as a kind of material. Some poor people dare to take risk to do illegal business in the black market in order to earn enough money to access their American dream. For instance, Gatsby. He is a guy who has succeed to become a upper in that stage because of he dare to do illegal business in the black market. After that, he already become a new money who get rid of poverty. He still consider the reason why he has not bale to come back to the Daisy is he does not have enough material--money. When he own enough money, he tries to take Daisy back from Tom.
His behaviour will cause a intense competition between Tom and he. Their competition contains the past, the tradition, the wealth. What is more, he tries to access Daisy step by step. He hold the huge party in his mansion every week in order to attract Daisy. However, Daisy and Tom they are old money that they hate new money and come to the west egg because of they do not have tradition and the past. Therefore, he asks Nick to invite Daisy to his small house. Then, he can have the opportunity to meet Daisy. Gatsby tries to display he is as rich as Tom.He even tell lies that he has learned in the Oxford for several months and he is a old money. He want to prove he has the past because of Daisy can not accept someone who do not have the past. Those behaviours displays he tries to let Daisy accept him in order to win the competition which between he and Tom. After that he see the daisy who has married with Tom. Daisy is different from her five years ago due to the fact that Tom has a huge influence on her. Therefore, Daisy has changed a lot that makes Gatsby feel uncomfortable and strange. Gatsby recognize he loves the eighteen year-old Daisy, not current Daisy who sit in front of him. However, he still consider the enough money can buy Daisy and achieve his American dream.He is so fond of the eighteen years-old Daisy because of she leave him a great memory in that stage. Even during the first world war, he even consider Daisy as his hope. Therefore, his American dream is come back to the Daisy and let she left Tom. He has always stubbornly believed that having money can solve all problems, and money can even buy time. Gatsby is a idealism that he consider money is powerful. The past can not be purchased by money because of money is a kind of material. 
Finally, Gatsby is failed in the competition which about Daisy due to the fact that he does not have past. That means Gatsby does not has able to achieve his American dream. If Gatsby does not need to join the first world war, he may have chance to achieve his American dream.

luby- Using effort and method is the way to realize the American dream part2

I think that although part of Gatsby's dream has not yet been realized. But his American dream is not impossible. Because Gatsby is too eager to realize his American dream. All his American dreams were shattered.If Gatsby slowly goes to attract Daisy instead of his active and Tom.His American dream has an opportunity to realize. He has a good advantage. He is handsome, money and gentle temper. He is too young and impulsive. This is why many young people will fail.I said that he realized some of his dreams. Because he worked hard to get money and status. He participated in the First World War for his money and status. It is not easy to survive the First World War. In order to get money he violated the law and ignored the ban. He has a lot of risks to do this, but the huge risks are accompanied by huge benefits. If he is not successful, he will go to jail. Upon success, he will gain the wealth that many people envy. It is clear that he is successful in the novel. He has his own house and his own car. His status makes him the same as old money. From the novel his house is in the West Egg most regardless of whether his means is correct.History is written by victorious people. The person who failed is correct, but he still fails.The reason why he failed is that I think it should be his own mistake. He is a materialist. He believes that there is nothing in the world that money can't buy. I agree with his thoughts. But he doesn't have a lot of things that take advantage of him. He can first investigate the fact that Tom and his mistress, Mrs. Wilson, are cheating. Then cleverly arranged Daisy to see Tom's bad things. Tom will only squander the wealth left by his parents. I think Gatsby can guide Tom to gamble. When he loses all the money, Tom will lose everything. At this time, Gatsby can realize his American dream. Instead of turning into a novel, Gatsby lost everything and broke his own American dream.

Thursday 9 August 2018

Jack chen Part 1 Different Dream

Everyone has a different definition of happiness, which means that each person's American dream is different. Some people's dreams can be easily achieve, but others dream may never be achieve. At the same time, the conditions of each person are different. The poor and the rich are different. What the rich have already had may be the dream of the poor.The dream of the rich may be something the poor have never thought of.Therefore, the American dream is unfair to people, everyone is different. This will create different American dreams.

As this picture shows, people have a wide variety of definitions of the American dream, and some people cannot even give clear ideas. There are many people who choose freedom in this picture, but what these people think can be called freedom, and here, new differences will arise. Even if some people have the same dream in general, the details will be different, so the American dream cannot be fair to everyone.

Sebastian Ma Part 1 -- Inequality and Relative Equality
     The society is becoming more and more open and fair, so is everyone equal in the American dream?
     The answer is impossible, and based on personal economic assets and social relations, the American dream has never been about equality.  It is just like some big guys, they can get everything they want without the American Dream, but some poor guys, they take it as faith, and hope one day they can be successful. Finally, only a few of them succeed in this way. Because having stronger economic fundamentals means you will have a higher starting point than others, and having more social connections means you can get what you want faster than others. Therefore, there is no equality in the American Dream, let alone fulfillment of it.

I'm polishing the Dream's shoes
The photo, taken by a photographer on a street corner in India, shows a poorly dressed shoeshine man toiling for a rich man who is enjoying a newspaper. So far, I don't think I need to go any further in explaining what the picture represents. After all, it's so obvious that fools can figure it out.
Catch it! Here's what you want, poor guy.

In today's society, many people abandon their dignity in order to achieve some "greater" successes. That's true, but it's because of this behaviour, these people are getting further and further away from the success they want, because no one is going to respect a person who has thrown away their dignity, let alone reuse them.

You are just equal to the people who are just like you 
Maybe when you see people around you, you think they are the same as you, so how can there be any inequality? Yes, they are, but it's just because you are in the same class. Look up or down and think about whether you are really the same person you see now.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Daniel---The competition which about American dream--part1

The definition of American dream is if you work enough hard, you will get what you want. In my opinion, the American dream is connect to the competition. All of people wonder to achieve their American dream that will cause a intense competition around them. Here is a instance to prove the relationship which between American dream and the competition. The facebook has changed from a website into a huge company. However, there are so many powerful competitors around the facebook. The founder of facebook is Mark Zuckerberg who works so hard that he attempt to let his website stand win the competition. The fierce competition inspire people to access their American dream. If no any competition, people will lose their power and enthusiasm. Therefore, the American dream can be presented by competition. Different people have different standard when they start to chase their own American dream. That means the people do not have the equality opportunity to achieve their American dream through competitive with others. That proved the American dream is an idealistic, not realistic. Not everyone can achieve their American dream by their hard work.

Luby -The American dream equally available to people

I think people can realize the American dream, which is If people work hard, they can get happiness.The wealth that parents leave to their children will sooner or later be squandered. We can only accompany ourselves forever through the things we get through our own efforts. The money, power and sense of accomplishment we get through our own efforts are real. Many people say that the American dream cannot be realized. Because many people misinterpreted the meaning of the American dream.The rich are a small part of the world. And not everyone's pursuit of happiness is money. What many people get through their efforts is honor. They are remembered by everyone in the world. This is something that money can't bring to people. There are many rich people in the world but they are not all known. But the achievements you get through your own efforts are likely to be remembered.Take Kobe Bryant for example. He likes playing basketball since childhood. He spent approximately 14 hours in training since high school. When he started the professional training, he never stopped until reached 400 shots. Sugar never appeared on his dining table in his professional time. After his constant efforts, he won five NBA championships. This brings him happiness. in this video, his efforts are shown to audience in a realistic way.

Part1 Rough copy Jack

    Everyone have different definition in happiness.So everyone's American Dream is different.So American Dream is not fair,someone's dream will easy to achieve,someone maybe can not reach their dream forever.

Sebastian Ma Rough Part 1 -- Tittle

Happiness and success are people get and hold what they really want Everyone can realize their American Dream if they can do anything about it. People need to jump out of the format of the " ideal life " which is other people set to them, and they need to find which is they really want. After they finding out, if it's money, they can get it 

First Name (English Name) Last Name Part 1-- A Title About Your Main Idea

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This is Drama King Alex, I am here to show you how to post on this blog.

REMEMBER, part 2 is due HERE on Saturday at 11:59 pm.

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Tuesday 8 May 2018

Part 2 - imbalance American Dream by Leo

American dream, firstly in my view, means a fair society for everyone to pursue both material success and spiritual success through their efforts, no matter what class they were from. However, it has become imbalance. Actually, Americans simply pursue wealth but ignore spiritual developments. Gatsby represents the material dream best in the novel, because he soon became rich though he was from the underclass. Then he moved to a big house and usually holds grand parties with the rich, which is a way to show how successful he becomes. Gatsby’s materially success shows the flourishing aspect of American dream. It seems that everyone has equal opportunities to become wealthy.

When it comes to the spiritual dream, the picture is different. Gatsby’s spiritual dream is an illusion in that society, which causes his inevitable failure. Daisy is not like the kind, pure girl that she used to be. Unfortunately, she becomes selfish after many years’ life. However, the former perfect Daisy in Gatsby’s dream have not existed any more. It is impossible to pursue an inexistent girl. The tragedy is that he devotes everything to his beautiful fantasy, while the fact is opposite. Whatever, Gatsby is still great, because he is still pure and yearns for his beautiful dream, though he is in a superficial society. He represents the initial American Dream both materially and spiritually, while his failed to realize his spiritual dream. Ironically, the pure dreamer finally dies distressingly in the society with ‘American Dream’. Both Daisy’s corruption and Gatsby’s death are caused by the sick society with imbalanced dream.

The material comparisons were ridiculous in that era. The new money looked down upon the poor, while they were looked down upon by the old money. American dream provided more opportunities. But it broke people’s relationship. Everyone became snobbish and money-oriented. For example, Gatsby wrongly thinks that wealth can help him realize everything. In fact, most of the guests including Daisy look down upon Gatsby, because few people would respect a new rich. They make fun of Gatsby in the parties and just think the parties of free entertainment places. Even in Gatsby’s funeral, few of them come. All of above shows the imbalance between material and spirit in American dream, which made the dream finally corrupted. As a result, Americans became fond of hedonism and ignored their spiritual developments then.

 According to my Part 1, the way Americans consider the American dream is becoming more and more realistic and material. Americans simply link the dream to wealth, so they can never realize how significant diversity is for America. The old money can represent the local whites, and the new money can represent people from other races or other countries. Most whites don’t want to separate their cake and become selfish and ignorance. They don’t know the reason why American is great is its diversity and refuse to be kind. It is the conflicts between material and spirit, which was originally caused by the imbalance American Dream.

part 2 hank

 American Dream mentioned the idea that everyone has the same opportunity to be successful However, In the roaring nineteen twenties, the huge gap between the rich and the poor made life very difficult for the people of the lower classes. They do not have unlimited resources and opportunities as the upper classes do. They are not recognized, they have only one label-the poor. However, this loss of personal identity, so that people do not know for them what success is. So the American dream is just a dream for them, and the purpose of their life is to survive

In the great Gatsby novel, Mr. George Wilson is a representative of people who loss their individual identity. As a man, he didn't have all the character that a man had at that time. Also in the family he also seems to be the weak one. In Chapter 7 of the novel , the author writes  He was his wife's man and not his own. (7) From this we can see that the American dream does not belong to Wilson, because he is not George Wilson, he is Myrtle's husband. So he can never achieve the American dream because he does not have the personal identity. George Wilson represented the lower class in the American society at that time. They lacked their personal identity. They don't know who they are and what success means., they only worked for survival.    So the American dream does not belong to the lower class.I think the tragic story of George shows the essence of the American dream, that is, the American dream belongs to upper class, the upper class people have unlimited resources and opportunities and they have no shortage of individual identity , but for those of the lower class, the American dream is only a kind of extravagant hope.

I think society should change. The first step is to prevent the continuation of discrimination from an educational point of view. America's deep-rooted class discrimination has something to do with its history of colonization, so educational change is necessary. Second, Adopt corresponding economic policies to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. Third, tell people the importance of individual identity through the media.

Image result for wilson the great gatsby

Monday 7 May 2018

Jason Pan Part 2

       The American Dream is said too idealized and has been shattered long ago. The American Dream be mentioned is if people work hard, then they would achieve what they want. It means this American Dream can drive people to try their best and achieve something. However, they cannot achieve everything.
In The Great Gatsby, many people in west egg work hard every day. Some of them succeeded and got a lot of wealth, but they somehow feel empty. Every weekend, they participate in Gatsby’s party, which full of alcohol and carnival. It is strange because If they achieved what they really want, they would not need alcohol and carnival to make them happy. In fact, they have not achieved their American Dream. They gave everything to work, but in the end, they chose to drink alcohol to anesthetize themselves. It is ironic because they have not achieved what they really want and pretend they got it.

       Gatsby achieved wealth after several years of hard work. However, his American Dream is obtaining Daisy. He did lots of things for achieving this dream, such as attended war, made his business successful, and cost several years to build a castle for attracting Daisy. He wants to use his wealth, which is got by his hard-working, to change Daisy’s mind. He wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: “I never loved you.” (6.117)
He wanted to refresh Daisy’s thought of her husband like applying a new layer of paint to the walls even she has married Tom several years. It is absurd and unrealistic because the relationship could not be disappeared by his money. “Can’t repeat the past?” he cried incredulously. “Why of course you can!” (6.117) He thinks that he can use his achievement which from his hard-working to buy the past time and repeat it because the American Dream told him that he can achieve whatever he wants after he worked hard. However, it obviously cannot change the time by money.
These two cases reflect the American Dream cannot be achieved indirectly. Gatsby believed American Dream and implemented it, but he eventually cannot get Daisy. It shows that American Dream is just a lie, and Gatsby is one of the victims of American Dream. On the other hand, Tom gets Daisy easily, who has lots of wealth when he was born. This further proves that the American Dream is false. As a result, Gatsby’s American Dream is empty because whatever he wants to get and change is impossible. It also shows that the American dream has been destroyed.
       Not only in the novel, the process of Gatsby wants to get Daisy and Tom got Daisy can present the American Dream is not true. But also, this false is reflected in the current society. Furthermore, this unequal problem originated from the American Dream is also divided into more parts, such as gender and ethnicity discrimination. And American Dream is also more like a lie than before.

1.     “Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby.” DeviantArt,
2.     Fitzgerald, F.Scott. The Great Gatsby. Penguin Books, 1950.

part 2 Bill (Zheng Fang) Emptiness behind success

The Great Gatsby shows The American Dream as the emptiness behind success. In Gatsby’s eyes, the American Dream is to have the ideal version of Daisy. The American Dream Gatsby represent the American Dream is unable to archive because no matter how hard he was working he cannot archive his goalto get an ideal version of Daisyand he cannot be happy. In the storyGatsby did archive a great success which he became “Jay Gatsby” from “James Gats” became a new money form a poor family. It is a fact that he is successbut I think he was never happyhe was just lost from his life. Gatsby is a symbol of public which lead by upper class that lost his ability to recognize what he really want. He got only emptiness by successful.
Frist and the most importanthe cannot have the ideal version of Daisy. We know that Gatsby had been to WWI and after thatDaisy became the only thing he lives on she became an illusion that represent everything beautiful to Gatsby. But the truth ishe does not love Daisy the personhis desire cannot be satisfied by Daisy who exist now. What he was loving is only his dreamthis goal is unarchivable form the start. HoweverGatsby was trying to reach a unarchivable goal through hardworking and he didn’t even realize that goal is unarchivable. Gatsby was brain-washed so deeply that he really believes that his moneywhich earned by his workingcan archive anythingeven change the history.   
Another reason is that Gatsby can not reach old money class no matter how hard he works. The class difference is existhe cannot be an old money even he have money and tried to fake his history. All he wanted is Daisy”(the ideal version of Daisy but he can never get Daisy anymore. He is an example of lower class became successhoweverhe can never reach a higher class and he can never archive his goal. He is a template of the American Dreamwhich can “success” as the traditional opinionto be rich. However they can never archive their goals or be truly happy only depend on hard working. Lower class can never reach a higher class by working hard. Gatsby can not reach his goal either. They cannot really be happy even if they are already successful. They feel comfortable about their hardworking and they will not think about if they are getting happier or not. All they cared about is moneythey lost their feeling of happiness. I think Gatsby cannot archive his dream (the American Dream) unless the society change fundamentally with out any discrimination between classes.

So as all the reasons I have givenI think the American Dream is shown as a symbol of emptiness behind success in The Great Gatsby.
I did my part 3 comment on Rheal's part 2

Part 2 Cloven (Yutong) The wave of success in the age of development.

  I think the American dream applies to the past, but not to the modern age.In that fast-growing era, everyone felt they could get what they wanted. They are determined to work hard for their dreams and believe that their dreams will come true. However, with the development of society and the solidification of class, this idea becomes useless. The American Dream did work in America in the 20 's, but today is a backward and useless idea. At the age of development, you were able to succeed in a very short time, but in this day and age it is difficult to achieve.However, we can still learn from this history benefits, such as how to choose employment.

  Nick thinks the financial industry can bring him success, so he started his own struggle in New York alone. He bought a cheap house in the West Egg village and bought more than 10 books on finance to start learning. The financial industry was just getting started in that era, Nick found the right time, and I'm sure he'll succeed as long as he sticks to it. His ideas are similar to those we have just graduated from college, we have our own pursuits and ideals and spend as much energy as Nick to finish it. But as far as we know, the number of successful young people is getting smaller.
Nick is wrestling with the financial books he just bought in his cheap rental house.

  Gatsby was born in a poor family, but he thought he was a child of God. Through five years of hard work he became very rich, he almost finished his dream. Success in such a short time is hard to imagine for young people today, because young people who have graduated from college for five years may still be working for their boss else. These two roles are good examples of a dream and belief that it will come true, and another that has been successful in money and status.

  Nick's dream is simple, he just wants to survive through the popular financial industry. I believe it is possible if he wants to make money from the financial industry, because Gatsby once wanted to help him develop his career. Nick refused him because of the legality of Gatsby's method, but it was a chance to make Nick very rich. This is the era of development, the wave of success will make many people easily succeed.

  If things happen in this age, it's hard to believe that a person can get rich through finance in a short time, even using some illegal means. Not only you can not realize your dreams, but also you will have violated the law and paid the price. The same truth applies to Gatsby as the law continues to be perfected in development. Through some illegal trade, Gatsby made and sold alcohol under prohibition, accumulating rich wealth in a short time. The way is little illegal, but also proved that the wave of success in the era of rapid development is real.

  In the film, The American Dream in China, three young people can succeed because they do things that are socially vacant. For the United States today, the idea of the American dream is not effective because there are few social vacancies in the United States. Of course, some industries will become very good, such as information technology, but the number is far from the wave of success. Of course, this history tells us that it is easier to choose the industries that are needed to succeed, especially in China, which is still in the developing era.

 On the whole, the wave of success has passed and the American dream can only be applied to that era of development, not today.

Part 2 Camille (Yifei) Labels

Equality, which is promised in the idea of the American Dream, has always been just a dream due to the human nature of labeling like what I have talked about in Part 1. Aside from racism, the ignorance of female power remained to be a serious and neglected problem until recent decades. The idea of women being too weak both physically and mentally has been held by whatever gender. Controlled by subconsciousness, the act of labeling is hard to avoid or even realize. For women, without being aware of their power, most of them followed the flow of society and gave up their promised equal right of opportunity.
Labeling not only reinforced the gender stereotype, it also gives female the idea that choosing to use their body to get benefits is OK. Take Myrtle for an example, instead of at least give it a try at working hard with her husband to achieve her dream, she rather seduced Tom to make herself appear rich. She was basically using her body as an object and the attraction of her became something so simple as the sexual appeal.
Society’s stereotype due to labeling has made all efforts became barely useful. Women were expected to be nothing but pretty and any feature they might have is so restricted in the range that their label has defined them. The book did not expand the background of Myrtle, but there is this possibility that she just gave up the attempt of being more than just sexy and fighting against the flow. Then just as any other female characters in the book, she gave in because it was impossible for society to change for her. There was hardly anything left apart from her pretty shell in the end. But just like any other person living in a society, she grew up learning the definition of gender and rules of being a female. All that learning slowly became part of who she was, serving for her subconsciousness by effecting labels she put on others and herself. There is nothing wrong with her being the way she is because her struggle under the setting of society would only cause her pain. Choosing to ignore the existence of a possible chance is not really a good way of living but sometimes life is about surviving. She had to abandon her possible inner strength because only by living without that could she fit in and survive.

Equality is smashed into pieces under this condition. Women even lost their right and awareness to be themselves, to be a human as complex as she can be. Their identity had been ripped. The only way for them to approach the American Dream is by being “simple” and let men do the work. There was no right of being more than a fool, let alone equal opportunity of realizing the dream. We could say Myrtle achieve her American Dream if what she ever wanted was just money, sex and being stuporous. She got all this in a pretty tragic way though. Only when society changes and people start to realize the harm of being so objective on judging others, can this tragedy be avoided.

part 2 Chris Lu

Twisted American Dream: money means privileges.
    In The Great Gatsby, the American Dream is changed. In the past, American Dream was a symbol of equality, liberty and working hard could result in success.It was a mental support which motivate people to work hard then they could be succeed and happy. Their goals were to pursue their dreams and beliefs.However, the American Dream has turned into corrupting in The Great Gatsby. It has turned into a dream which unscrupulous, pursuit of money and pursuit of indulgence without pursuing the satisfaction in mental world.
    In the book, people are crazy about how to earn money and how to gain the recognition of people. Furthermore, they think that they could do anything because the money is almighty. Gatsby is the typical character who has the twisted American Dream. When he was young, he thought that hardworking is the best way to achieve success. However, when he came back from the war and became rich. He thinks that he could use money to change Daisy’s view and come back to him. The whole people in America are all materialistic at that time. They think that money is the most important thing in the world. And they could be privileged if they have much money. This environment forces Gatsby to be a materialist. This makes him change his attitude to life that money means privileges.. In his opinion, money is above anything else. ‘ Can’t repeat the past?’ he cried incredulously. ‘Why of course you can!’ Gatsby thinks that the past could be repeated because he has much money. In my opinion, the past could not be repeated. But the love between Daisy and Gatsby could be repeated by using sincerity. However, Gatsby’s method is not using sincerity but using money. In his opinion, if he has enough money, he could do anything such as he could buy the memory that the beatific past, the previous Daisy who he has always love and the reputation. However, does he really feels happy or satisfied? No, he would never be happy any more. Although the money bring him temporary happy, he still would be lonely and lost in the future. Because the happiness which money brings is not the true happiness. The true happiness is based on the mental world. The money just could bring him the lost in heart. The money has controlled his all life which make him lose the previous beliefs. The dream in his mind has disappeared for a long time. It is so terrible because if one person loses his belief and consider that the money is everything in his life, he would lose in himself and wouldn’t know what valuable things could do in the future. He appears stylish and chic, but the facade hides a very lightweight persona.
    In the modern world, although money is necessary, people still cannot forget our previous dreams and beliefs. If they remain their insistence to the dreams and beliefs, the money would not destroy their mental world. Thus the money cannot control them. Their mental would be satisfied again. Furthermore, the American Dream will become the previous dream.

part 2 Glenn (Shuren xu)

The entire story of the great gatsby was illustrating the American dream was just a dream. The personalities of all of the characters and things they had proved that. However, American dream is not only about the achievement, it is also about the achievement about recognition. The concept of American dream has been over-simplified, and that is why so many people would see becoming rich as becoming successful.
Jay Gatsby

In my pespective, Gatsby was he who presented the delivery of the American dream most typically. Gatsby did achieved the American dream in a sence, not entirely though. Since American dream basically means if you work hard, you will be successful, it is a very broad concept. I think a person need to get money but also have recognition to be successful. Apparently, Gatsby only did the first one, which makes him not entirely successful. Gatsby was the one who suffered class division. He was born in a poor family and envied the rich when he was very young. Furthermore, he tried to make some change. The captain he saved taught him manners and behaviors of old money. Everything went perfectly and Gatsby was about to achieve American dream without hardworking. Howevr, after the captain's death, Gatsby did not get any of his legacy, he became poor again. He did get a lot of money by becoming an oppotunist and one of mafia, but he ruined his reputation in return. In order to let Gatsby succeed, the society need to make a fundamental change. Only if the old money changed their sterotype of new money, American dream can be pursued. Old money dislike new money was the fundamental reason Gatsby can not be successful. And even Daisy, who love Gatsby still felt his identity disgusting.
Jay Gatsby

Talking about my example in part 1, there are some similarities between Gatsby and Cooper. They were both trained to do something, and both of them lost their first chance. Both of them did not get their recognition even in the end, and both of them lost the most important girl, for Gatsby she is Daisy and for Cooper she is Murph. After being through setbacks, both of them became cynical as well. I think they were passing a similar idea, which was no cross, no crown; and even there are crosses, you may still not get the crown. Another instance I picked was Kobe.  Unlike Cooper and Gatsby, I think he was the one who achieved the American dream since he got both money and recognition. But the some of the other players who worked as hard as him were not successful, which proved the irrationality of the American dream further.

Part 2 Taylor Chen

In my submission, the American dream advocated by the US government means that everyone can pursue their material happiness through hard work. But in fact, the American dream is just a dirty trick from the American government. The American dream is used to deceive the lower-class people of the United States to work hard and to exploit more labor in this way. In the great Gatsby, the American dream is a deception for the poor people at the bottom of the society, who dedicate nothing to the dream of their own American dream.

The American dream was embodied in Wilson in "The Great Gatsby". Wilson is a lower-class boss of a locomotive repair shop. He had believed his American dream: He hoped that he could buy a small car from Tom. On the other hand, he chose to endure his wife's relationship with other men. He believes that he can win his wife’s dedication by working hard to improve his social status. But in fact, no matter how hard he works, he cannot become a gentleman of high society like these men to took his wife. Wilson’s American dream could never be achieved because of the limitations of the capitalist social class. Tom has been delaying the sale of a car promised to Wilson, embodying the exploitation of lower society by high society. Wilson's self-knowledge of his inability to become an upper-class society is a manifestation of the false American dream. Therefore, in this social environment, the boss of a middle-class auto repair shop can never pursue full happiness. He even needs to devote his life to pursuing what the wealthy in the upper class can get at will. He could not get Tom's car, nor could he be loved by his wife. When he could no longer bear to vent his anger to his wife, his wife pointed out the reason very sharply, she said:"Beat me! Throw me down and beat me, you dirty little coward!" For women, a man like Wilson is only a coward, because such a man even can’t achievement the American Dream of himself, not to mention realizing his wife’s Dreams. In the end, the pressure of the social class and the desperation of failing to realize dreams caused Wilson to hate the upper class. He knew that the rich in the upper class had exploited his wealth and labor and even deceived his woman. When he heard Tom hinted that Gatsby had killed his wife, he ignored Gatsby's intentions and killed Gatsby. Seeing the American dream he had been pursuing was only a scam of Wilson, he eventually chose hatred and despair in this hatred. Wilson’s fate is also a manifestation of all those who believe in the American dream in addition to the high-level rich people of the society. The American dream convinced these bottom-level people that they can exchange their hard work for a higher social status and gain more material happiness. Finally, he realized that the American dream is only a scam and they will never be able to escape from their social class.

I mentioned in the first part the division of American capitalist class. Under this background of class differentiation, the class is insurmountable by all Americans, but the American dream makes them believe that they can surmount the social class. For those who want to overtake, like Wilson, they can only end up being the sacrifices of the times.

Part 2 Niven (YiFan) A wonderful illusion:American Dream

For American dream, it means that no matter what the status of the person is ,no matter what the race of the person is, everyone has the same right and equality. The most important thing is that the concept of class should not exist. However, I consider that American dream just is a wonderful illusion and it is impossible to be achieved in terms of the concept of class.
In The Great Gatsby, the person who could be used to demonstrate my opinion about American dream well is Myrtle, she is Tom Buchanan’s mistress. Before she became Tom’s mistress, she is Wilson’s wife,who just has a low-status, the apparent reason why she became Tom’s mistress is the yearning for money. While I think that the most significant reason is the desire for high social state because the concept of class has been embedded in her mind deeply.After she becomes Toms mistress, she thinks that she has broken away from the low-status and enter the top of social class. In her mind, she considers that she has an essential difference from these people who has a low-status in society.
In this book, it said that I told that boy about the ice. Myrtle raised her eyebrows in despair at the shiftlessness of the lower orders. These people! You have to keep after them all the time. She looked at me and laughed pointlessly. Then she flounced over the dog, kissed it with ecstasy, and swept into the kitchen, implying that a dozen chefs awaited her orders there. For this quotation, the attitude of Myrtle is so arrogant due to her mood and actions. The source of her arrogant is that she is Toms mistress. She thinks that she has the same social status as Tom . Before it is ,she is a person who just has a low social status like these boys who was told to add ices. However, currently, she separated herself from those who has a low-status automatically. She did not have any feeling that she is a person like these boy in the past, oppositely, she has agreed the point subconsciously that she has a high social status forever. This illusory idea has covered the real identity of her that her agree with due to the factor that the concept of class was buried in her heart all the time.
The concept of class is very similar with racial discrimination which was raised in part one. Although these ideas should not exist according to American Dream, it is impossible to be eliminated from peoples mind .The reason why they could not to be removed is different. For the concept of class, everyone would like to become a person with high social status and no one is willing to be worse than others, in another words, the drastic competition creates the concept of class. However, for racial discrimination, this idea was formed from long time ago and be difficult to throw out essentially, for example , a person has a bad habit for a long time, it is difficult to be repaired and this person still keeps this bad habit unconsciously, it has the same logic with racial discrimination.
the weight of a rich person is equal one hundred  common people
I have commented the part 2 of Bill