Monday 13 August 2018

Jack Part 2-different status different dream

In the great Gatsby, everyone's American dream is different. First of all, the person of tom, the American dream is even what he does not need, he is old money, and he is proud of it, and everything he has is already the American dream of most people. For Gatsby, his American dream should never be realized. What he hopes is the ideal Daisy, but the real Daisy is not what he thinks, and he can't become what he imagined. Look like. For Wilson, his American dream may just be a good day, but he can't achieve it. His dream is what Tom and Gatsby already have, but he is no money, his status determines his American dream. can not achieve.Everyone has a different dream, but the content of the dream and the status of the people have long determined whether their dreams can be achieved.

Even if they make a change, they can't realize their dreams. Gatsby’s dream is impossible, even if he already has a very high status and possesses wealth that cannot be imagined by ordinary people, his dream can not be realized. I don't think anyone knows how to help him achieve his American dream, unless he can understand that his ideals are not real. For Wilson, the same change is not possible. He is just a car repairer. He can only work hard and make money. He hopes that one day he can earn money for his family’s good life. It’s hard, people who are higher than him come back to disturb his life.For example, Tom, he always called Wilson's wife, Myrtle, to play with her. For Tom, these no moneys are like toys. If they can't get rid of their low-level identity, they may only be toys of superior class.

One of the conveniences of the great American dream that Gatsby wants to show is that the American dream is different for everyone, and since it is different, then it is not fair, the dream of the poor is what the rich already have. Things, and the dreams of some rich people, such as Gatsby, can never be realized.

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