Tuesday 7 August 2018

Luby -The American dream equally available to people

I think people can realize the American dream, which is If people work hard, they can get happiness.The wealth that parents leave to their children will sooner or later be squandered. We can only accompany ourselves forever through the things we get through our own efforts. The money, power and sense of accomplishment we get through our own efforts are real. Many people say that the American dream cannot be realized. Because many people misinterpreted the meaning of the American dream.The rich are a small part of the world. And not everyone's pursuit of happiness is money. What many people get through their efforts is honor. They are remembered by everyone in the world. This is something that money can't bring to people. There are many rich people in the world but they are not all known. But the achievements you get through your own efforts are likely to be remembered.Take Kobe Bryant for example. He likes playing basketball since childhood. He spent approximately 14 hours in training since high school. When he started the professional training, he never stopped until reached 400 shots. Sugar never appeared on his dining table in his professional time. After his constant efforts, he won five NBA championships. This brings him happiness. in this video, his efforts are shown to audience in a realistic way.

1 comment:

  1. Alex (Drama King) Volvoreanu Part 3:

    Hi Luby,

    First I would like to state my opinion about your idea.

    I think that the American Dream being achievable is a good idea to explore.
    I personally think that the world would be a better place with a Dream, because it can inspire positive thoughts.

    HERE IS WHAT I LIKED: (I need to add quotations)

    I think using Kobe Bryant was an excellent choice as your example because he is very recognizable and he is a person that many people want to emulate. So, he has good ties to the idea of "Dreams".


    You need a clearer main idea overall. Also, I don't think that Kobe Bryant alone is a media example. I think you need a video or an article ABOUT Kobe so that you can analyze actual facts about him.


    Overall, if you follow my suggestions I think you can do a much better blog.

    Thank you,

