Thursday 9 August 2018

Sebastian Ma Part 1 -- Inequality and Relative Equality
     The society is becoming more and more open and fair, so is everyone equal in the American dream?
     The answer is impossible, and based on personal economic assets and social relations, the American dream has never been about equality.  It is just like some big guys, they can get everything they want without the American Dream, but some poor guys, they take it as faith, and hope one day they can be successful. Finally, only a few of them succeed in this way. Because having stronger economic fundamentals means you will have a higher starting point than others, and having more social connections means you can get what you want faster than others. Therefore, there is no equality in the American Dream, let alone fulfillment of it.

I'm polishing the Dream's shoes
The photo, taken by a photographer on a street corner in India, shows a poorly dressed shoeshine man toiling for a rich man who is enjoying a newspaper. So far, I don't think I need to go any further in explaining what the picture represents. After all, it's so obvious that fools can figure it out.
Catch it! Here's what you want, poor guy.

In today's society, many people abandon their dignity in order to achieve some "greater" successes. That's true, but it's because of this behaviour, these people are getting further and further away from the success they want, because no one is going to respect a person who has thrown away their dignity, let alone reuse them.

You are just equal to the people who are just like you 
Maybe when you see people around you, you think they are the same as you, so how can there be any inequality? Yes, they are, but it's just because you are in the same class. Look up or down and think about whether you are really the same person you see now.

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