Saturday 11 August 2018

Daniel---The relationship which between competition and American dream Part2

In the great Gatsby,  the competition is so intense that almost every one want to achieve their American dream. Their American dreams are equal to earn more money due to the fact that they consider money can bring happiness to them. They refer money as a kind of material. Some poor people dare to take risk to do illegal business in the black market in order to earn enough money to access their American dream. For instance, Gatsby. He is a guy who has succeed to become a upper in that stage because of he dare to do illegal business in the black market. After that, he already become a new money who get rid of poverty. He still consider the reason why he has not bale to come back to the Daisy is he does not have enough material--money. When he own enough money, he tries to take Daisy back from Tom.
His behaviour will cause a intense competition between Tom and he. Their competition contains the past, the tradition, the wealth. What is more, he tries to access Daisy step by step. He hold the huge party in his mansion every week in order to attract Daisy. However, Daisy and Tom they are old money that they hate new money and come to the west egg because of they do not have tradition and the past. Therefore, he asks Nick to invite Daisy to his small house. Then, he can have the opportunity to meet Daisy. Gatsby tries to display he is as rich as Tom.He even tell lies that he has learned in the Oxford for several months and he is a old money. He want to prove he has the past because of Daisy can not accept someone who do not have the past. Those behaviours displays he tries to let Daisy accept him in order to win the competition which between he and Tom. After that he see the daisy who has married with Tom. Daisy is different from her five years ago due to the fact that Tom has a huge influence on her. Therefore, Daisy has changed a lot that makes Gatsby feel uncomfortable and strange. Gatsby recognize he loves the eighteen year-old Daisy, not current Daisy who sit in front of him. However, he still consider the enough money can buy Daisy and achieve his American dream.He is so fond of the eighteen years-old Daisy because of she leave him a great memory in that stage. Even during the first world war, he even consider Daisy as his hope. Therefore, his American dream is come back to the Daisy and let she left Tom. He has always stubbornly believed that having money can solve all problems, and money can even buy time. Gatsby is a idealism that he consider money is powerful. The past can not be purchased by money because of money is a kind of material. 
Finally, Gatsby is failed in the competition which about Daisy due to the fact that he does not have past. That means Gatsby does not has able to achieve his American dream. If Gatsby does not need to join the first world war, he may have chance to achieve his American dream.


  1. Sebastian Ma Part 3

    Hi Daniel,

    I agree with your idea of linking the American Dream to competition.It's a very creative idea, but I think you should go further with your idea so that the "connection" will be clearer and stronger.

    In addition, I can see that you care a lot about the connection between the theme and the characters, which is a nice detail. But I think you're making too many summaries that you're ignoring to explain the connection. So I suggest you add more personal ideas in the examples.

    I like you talk about "Their American dreams are equal to earn more money due to the fact that they consider money can bring happiness to them." It's a very good personal idea, and it puts the new money and the old money's American Dream on a equal plane, but you should tie it more closely to the competition.

    By the way, you're writing a blog, so I guess you should make it more vivid, not with a lot of dead words.

    Finally, you should reinforce the connection between your examples and the theme by explaining it rather than summarizing it, perhaps adding a picture or two will be better.


    Sebastian Ma

  2. Hi Daniel
    I think it is a good idea to link competition to the American dream. The American Dream does have a competitive component.

    You connect your point of view with the characters in the book, which is good, and prove your point of view with appropriate examples.

    I like you to mention their consider money can bring happiness to them. They refer money as a kind of material. Because it is because people think that money represents the American dream, they will compete wildly.

    I think that when you quote the contents of the book, you only write the facts in the book, but you don't have your own analysis. If you add your own opinion, it will make it better.

    Thank you

    Jack Chen
