Monday 13 August 2018

Jack Part 2-different status different dream

In the great Gatsby, everyone's American dream is different. First of all, the person of tom, the American dream is even what he does not need, he is old money, and he is proud of it, and everything he has is already the American dream of most people. For Gatsby, his American dream should never be realized. What he hopes is the ideal Daisy, but the real Daisy is not what he thinks, and he can't become what he imagined. Look like. For Wilson, his American dream may just be a good day, but he can't achieve it. His dream is what Tom and Gatsby already have, but he is no money, his status determines his American dream. can not achieve.Everyone has a different dream, but the content of the dream and the status of the people have long determined whether their dreams can be achieved.

Even if they make a change, they can't realize their dreams. Gatsby’s dream is impossible, even if he already has a very high status and possesses wealth that cannot be imagined by ordinary people, his dream can not be realized. I don't think anyone knows how to help him achieve his American dream, unless he can understand that his ideals are not real. For Wilson, the same change is not possible. He is just a car repairer. He can only work hard and make money. He hopes that one day he can earn money for his family’s good life. It’s hard, people who are higher than him come back to disturb his life.For example, Tom, he always called Wilson's wife, Myrtle, to play with her. For Tom, these no moneys are like toys. If they can't get rid of their low-level identity, they may only be toys of superior class.

One of the conveniences of the great American dream that Gatsby wants to show is that the American dream is different for everyone, and since it is different, then it is not fair, the dream of the poor is what the rich already have. Things, and the dreams of some rich people, such as Gatsby, can never be realized.

Saturday 11 August 2018

Sebastian Ma Part 2 -- The " Equal " American Dream in the Great Gatsby

    To be honest, in my view, the American dream has never been equal for everyone, past or present. Nowadays, good economic fundamentals and social connections mean you have a higher starting point than others, but this is not too naked relative to the past. In the era of Gatsby, the American Dream is just a silly idea. For the old money, there was no need to have that belief, because they had everything they want as the day they were born. For the new money, it may seem achievable, but it was just a mirage, and when you thought you can catch it right away, you found it's not there, and no matter how hard you tried to get close to it, you couldn't catch it at all. And for the no money... it was just a joke, they worked hard and obeyed the law, hoping that one day God would take care of them until one day the reality destroyed them completely. They believed the old money would pay for their working, and they would have money, happiness and respect. However, the old money only cared about people like them, and the new money pursued their American dream by hook or by crook, so nobody really cared about the no money. Even so, they could only hope that one day those people would show mercy in Great Gatsby.

I'm working :)
Now, I'm crazy!
    George Wilson is the best representative of the no money. He had worked so hard that one day Tom would help him out of poverty so that he could make his beloved wife Myrtle Wilson live a little betterBut the truth is that Tom just wants to have fun with his wife, and other things Tom didn't care about at all. Even more ironically, not only did he fail to realize his American dream little by little with the "help" of Tom, he was also used and abandoned as a tool to murder Gatsby. He eventually killed Gatsby and died at his home. In other words, he was destroyed by the American Dream which he still believed. Just because he was a poor no money, he hadn't had a chance to achieve it since the beginning.

I'm off, there you go
    In fact, no one in Great Gatsby had ever been able to realize their own American Dream. Because that society was deed, God was gone, no change would occur. Although the society was wrong, what really needed to change was human, because the root of the society is human. If they really wanted to realize their own dream, all of them are necessary to do some change. The old money needed to accept the new money and care for no money. The new money needed to know money isn't everything, for example, Gatsby believed he can change past through money, that's one of the reasons he failed to live up to his American Dream. And the no money needed to understand they can't just wait for someone else to save them, they have to try to take their chances, but only if the old money and the new money had changed.

Daniel---The relationship which between competition and American dream Part2

In the great Gatsby,  the competition is so intense that almost every one want to achieve their American dream. Their American dreams are equal to earn more money due to the fact that they consider money can bring happiness to them. They refer money as a kind of material. Some poor people dare to take risk to do illegal business in the black market in order to earn enough money to access their American dream. For instance, Gatsby. He is a guy who has succeed to become a upper in that stage because of he dare to do illegal business in the black market. After that, he already become a new money who get rid of poverty. He still consider the reason why he has not bale to come back to the Daisy is he does not have enough material--money. When he own enough money, he tries to take Daisy back from Tom.
His behaviour will cause a intense competition between Tom and he. Their competition contains the past, the tradition, the wealth. What is more, he tries to access Daisy step by step. He hold the huge party in his mansion every week in order to attract Daisy. However, Daisy and Tom they are old money that they hate new money and come to the west egg because of they do not have tradition and the past. Therefore, he asks Nick to invite Daisy to his small house. Then, he can have the opportunity to meet Daisy. Gatsby tries to display he is as rich as Tom.He even tell lies that he has learned in the Oxford for several months and he is a old money. He want to prove he has the past because of Daisy can not accept someone who do not have the past. Those behaviours displays he tries to let Daisy accept him in order to win the competition which between he and Tom. After that he see the daisy who has married with Tom. Daisy is different from her five years ago due to the fact that Tom has a huge influence on her. Therefore, Daisy has changed a lot that makes Gatsby feel uncomfortable and strange. Gatsby recognize he loves the eighteen year-old Daisy, not current Daisy who sit in front of him. However, he still consider the enough money can buy Daisy and achieve his American dream.He is so fond of the eighteen years-old Daisy because of she leave him a great memory in that stage. Even during the first world war, he even consider Daisy as his hope. Therefore, his American dream is come back to the Daisy and let she left Tom. He has always stubbornly believed that having money can solve all problems, and money can even buy time. Gatsby is a idealism that he consider money is powerful. The past can not be purchased by money because of money is a kind of material. 
Finally, Gatsby is failed in the competition which about Daisy due to the fact that he does not have past. That means Gatsby does not has able to achieve his American dream. If Gatsby does not need to join the first world war, he may have chance to achieve his American dream.

luby- Using effort and method is the way to realize the American dream part2

I think that although part of Gatsby's dream has not yet been realized. But his American dream is not impossible. Because Gatsby is too eager to realize his American dream. All his American dreams were shattered.If Gatsby slowly goes to attract Daisy instead of his active and Tom.His American dream has an opportunity to realize. He has a good advantage. He is handsome, money and gentle temper. He is too young and impulsive. This is why many young people will fail.I said that he realized some of his dreams. Because he worked hard to get money and status. He participated in the First World War for his money and status. It is not easy to survive the First World War. In order to get money he violated the law and ignored the ban. He has a lot of risks to do this, but the huge risks are accompanied by huge benefits. If he is not successful, he will go to jail. Upon success, he will gain the wealth that many people envy. It is clear that he is successful in the novel. He has his own house and his own car. His status makes him the same as old money. From the novel his house is in the West Egg most regardless of whether his means is correct.History is written by victorious people. The person who failed is correct, but he still fails.The reason why he failed is that I think it should be his own mistake. He is a materialist. He believes that there is nothing in the world that money can't buy. I agree with his thoughts. But he doesn't have a lot of things that take advantage of him. He can first investigate the fact that Tom and his mistress, Mrs. Wilson, are cheating. Then cleverly arranged Daisy to see Tom's bad things. Tom will only squander the wealth left by his parents. I think Gatsby can guide Tom to gamble. When he loses all the money, Tom will lose everything. At this time, Gatsby can realize his American dream. Instead of turning into a novel, Gatsby lost everything and broke his own American dream.

Thursday 9 August 2018

Jack chen Part 1 Different Dream

Everyone has a different definition of happiness, which means that each person's American dream is different. Some people's dreams can be easily achieve, but others dream may never be achieve. At the same time, the conditions of each person are different. The poor and the rich are different. What the rich have already had may be the dream of the poor.The dream of the rich may be something the poor have never thought of.Therefore, the American dream is unfair to people, everyone is different. This will create different American dreams.

As this picture shows, people have a wide variety of definitions of the American dream, and some people cannot even give clear ideas. There are many people who choose freedom in this picture, but what these people think can be called freedom, and here, new differences will arise. Even if some people have the same dream in general, the details will be different, so the American dream cannot be fair to everyone.

Sebastian Ma Part 1 -- Inequality and Relative Equality
     The society is becoming more and more open and fair, so is everyone equal in the American dream?
     The answer is impossible, and based on personal economic assets and social relations, the American dream has never been about equality.  It is just like some big guys, they can get everything they want without the American Dream, but some poor guys, they take it as faith, and hope one day they can be successful. Finally, only a few of them succeed in this way. Because having stronger economic fundamentals means you will have a higher starting point than others, and having more social connections means you can get what you want faster than others. Therefore, there is no equality in the American Dream, let alone fulfillment of it.

I'm polishing the Dream's shoes
The photo, taken by a photographer on a street corner in India, shows a poorly dressed shoeshine man toiling for a rich man who is enjoying a newspaper. So far, I don't think I need to go any further in explaining what the picture represents. After all, it's so obvious that fools can figure it out.
Catch it! Here's what you want, poor guy.

In today's society, many people abandon their dignity in order to achieve some "greater" successes. That's true, but it's because of this behaviour, these people are getting further and further away from the success they want, because no one is going to respect a person who has thrown away their dignity, let alone reuse them.

You are just equal to the people who are just like you 
Maybe when you see people around you, you think they are the same as you, so how can there be any inequality? Yes, they are, but it's just because you are in the same class. Look up or down and think about whether you are really the same person you see now.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Daniel---The competition which about American dream--part1

The definition of American dream is if you work enough hard, you will get what you want. In my opinion, the American dream is connect to the competition. All of people wonder to achieve their American dream that will cause a intense competition around them. Here is a instance to prove the relationship which between American dream and the competition. The facebook has changed from a website into a huge company. However, there are so many powerful competitors around the facebook. The founder of facebook is Mark Zuckerberg who works so hard that he attempt to let his website stand win the competition. The fierce competition inspire people to access their American dream. If no any competition, people will lose their power and enthusiasm. Therefore, the American dream can be presented by competition. Different people have different standard when they start to chase their own American dream. That means the people do not have the equality opportunity to achieve their American dream through competitive with others. That proved the American dream is an idealistic, not realistic. Not everyone can achieve their American dream by their hard work.

Luby -The American dream equally available to people

I think people can realize the American dream, which is If people work hard, they can get happiness.The wealth that parents leave to their children will sooner or later be squandered. We can only accompany ourselves forever through the things we get through our own efforts. The money, power and sense of accomplishment we get through our own efforts are real. Many people say that the American dream cannot be realized. Because many people misinterpreted the meaning of the American dream.The rich are a small part of the world. And not everyone's pursuit of happiness is money. What many people get through their efforts is honor. They are remembered by everyone in the world. This is something that money can't bring to people. There are many rich people in the world but they are not all known. But the achievements you get through your own efforts are likely to be remembered.Take Kobe Bryant for example. He likes playing basketball since childhood. He spent approximately 14 hours in training since high school. When he started the professional training, he never stopped until reached 400 shots. Sugar never appeared on his dining table in his professional time. After his constant efforts, he won five NBA championships. This brings him happiness. in this video, his efforts are shown to audience in a realistic way.

Part1 Rough copy Jack

    Everyone have different definition in happiness.So everyone's American Dream is different.So American Dream is not fair,someone's dream will easy to achieve,someone maybe can not reach their dream forever.

Sebastian Ma Rough Part 1 -- Tittle

Happiness and success are people get and hold what they really want Everyone can realize their American Dream if they can do anything about it. People need to jump out of the format of the " ideal life " which is other people set to them, and they need to find which is they really want. After they finding out, if it's money, they can get it 

First Name (English Name) Last Name Part 1-- A Title About Your Main Idea

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This is Drama King Alex, I am here to show you how to post on this blog.

REMEMBER, part 2 is due HERE on Saturday at 11:59 pm.

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